Saturday, January 4, 2020

Labour Unions, Wages and Monetary Integration in Continental Europe Free Essay Example, 1750 words

Ireland and Britain have resorted to the creation of these laws because of the inefficiencies of trade unions to articulate for the rights of employees. Seeing the need to protect employers from their employers, Britain and Ireland introduced these laws, to guide the relationship between the employers and their employees. However, some of these measures have faced resistance from trade unions. For example in Ireland, trade unions are advocating for the enactment of a law that will protect the concept of collective bargaining (HanckeÃŒ  and Studien, 2012). It is important to denote that when a government introduces a minimum wage rate, employers can decide to pay at that rate, even though it is not sufficient. Due to the structure of the market, and the presence of many competitors, employees under this social model do not have better working conditions as those of Continental Europe. There is a high level of inequality between the rich and the poor. This is because of disparity in wages. In order for companies to make a profit, employees are always working for longer working hours, as compared to the countries of Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. We will write a custom essay sample on Labour Unions, Wages and Monetary Integration in Continental Europe or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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